Off farm: just contact Denise at and let me know what kind of eggs you want and when you want to stop by and pick them up
Moscow delivery route: see below and contact Denise at to learn more information about the delivery route. We only serve the city limits of Moscow right now. We may start a delivery route in Pullman at some point but not for a couple years…
Moscow Food Co-op: Both chicken and duck eggs are sold at the Co-op. The duck eggs are sold in 6 packs. The chicken eggs come in 12 packs of pullet (small), farm (large), and jumbo!
Moscow Farmers Market: The Moscow Farmers Market is open on Saturdays starting in May through November. In 2021, we were at the Market about every other week. If you are interested in coming to the Market for eggs, make sure to like the Facebook page. We will always post to FB on the Saturdays that we are going to be at the Market.
Egg delivery in Moscow – closed until further notice…
We have plenty of customers in Moscow right now. If this changes, we will open up the egg delivery route again.
We have been working to identify a corona virus safe system for egg deliveries. I think we have identified a way to keep everyone safe and get their eggs!
If you want eggs delivered in Moscow, we will need: 1) a physical address (where you want the eggs delivered) 2) email address
3) phone number
Send an email with this info to: to get on the egg delivery list!
6 pack chicken eggs = $3.50
6 pack duck eggs = $4.50
12 pack chicken eggs = $5.50
12 pack duck eggs = $7.50
12 pack half chicken and half duck eggs (half and half) = $6.50
18 pack chicken eggs = $7.50
18 pack duck eggs = $9.50
18 pack half and half = $8.50
We will send out an email on Sunday to ask if you are interested in purchasing eggs. Let us know by Monday evening, what your order is. Use the Local Line online marketplace to place your order and pay. The sooner you respond, the better chance of getting your order filled. The eggs will be delivered on Wednesday afternoon.
Make sure to leave a cooler on your front porch by 2:00PM on Wednesday afternoon. Put your loyalty card and any empty egg cartons in the cooler. If this is your first order, you will receive a loyalty card with your egg order. A hard sided, nonporous cooler would work best, such as this…
We will take all precautions and use hand sanitizer before handling any cartons. Once the eggs have been placed in the cooler, you will receive a text message stating that your eggs have been delivered. If you think you might not be able to get to them right away, it may be a good idea to put a small ice pack in the cooler.
Storage of Eggs
Eggs should be stored in the refrigerator. Sometimes I am asked if eggs need to be refrigerated. When a hen lays an egg, there is an invisible bloom, or cuticle, around the egg that protects it from contaminants like Salmonella getting in the egg. HOWEVER, we wash our eggs and this removes the protective coating. Therefore, the eggs need to be refrigerated. According to the USDA, refrigeration also increases the shelf life of the egg from 21 days (at room temperature) to 15 weeks from pack date. For the best quality, use eggs within 6 weeks of their pack date. We stamp the inside of the container with the pack date. In other countries, hens are vaccinated for Salmonella and; therefore, they can store eggs at room temperature. Here is a nice article about proper egg storage, if you are interested.
Egg Sizes
When hens and ducks start to lay eggs, the eggs are smaller. As the poultry continue to grow, so does the size of the eggs that are laid.
Initially, the eggs you will be getting will be small sized. (We keep the peewee sized eggs). We are giving an extra punch on the loyalty cards for purchasing the small sized eggs. Hang in there…the eggs will get bigger each week! In fact, many of the eggs we packed yesterday (3/29/20) were already in the “medium” size range.
Here is an egg size substitution chart. For example, if your recipe calls for 2 large eggs, use 3 small eggs.
Fun Fact – Double Yolkers
As a pullet (young hen) starts laying eggs, her reproductive system is still maturing, which means a glitch, such as a double yolk, is more likely to occur. It is usually much larger than the other eggs and will contain 2 yolks.
In young hens, the odds of producing a double-yolk egg are one in 1,000. In the Wiccan belief system, a double yolk is a herald of good fortune for whoever cracks the egg. Bring on the double yolks! Double yolkers are also symbols of death and fertility (twins)…no thank you. I like the idea of having good luck!
What is that in my egg?
Sometimes you will crack open an egg and see a small spot of blood. Blood spots, also called meat spots, are the result of the rupturing of tiny blood vessels in the hen’s ovaries or oviduct. This area is full of tiny blood vessels and occasionally one will rupture during the egg making process. Eggs with blood spots are fit to eat. You can remove the spot with a utensil (or just scramble it up and eat).
One last note, Henry wanted me to make sure that you know that the duck egg shells are thick and can actually be challenging to crack. The thicker shell increases the shelf life of the egg. Getting that egg cracked is worth it because duck eggs are so great to bake with! Here is a great article on Everything You Need to Know About Duck Eggs.
Have an eggcellent week and stay safe!
Mark’s Coop Construction Campaign
To get our ReMARKable Eggs cookbook, scroll down to the bottom of this page and subscribe to our newsletter!
A big THANK YOU to everyone that donated to Mark’s Coop Construction Campaign. We raised just over $11,000! We are so grateful for all the support!

The chicken coop construction is almost complete! We just need to put in some little chicken doors that allow the chickens out of the run area into the paddocks. This can wait until spring because there is not a lot of green grass for them right now any way!
It takes about 5-6 months for a duck or hen to mature enough to lay eggs. Therefore, we need to get the poultry in November to have eggs ready to sell at the Farmer’s Market in May. The ducklings in the video above arrived on November 6, 2019 and these are Mark’s first batch of egg laying ducks.

We will be putting regular updates on our Remarkable Farms Facebook page. Please like our FB page and follow our progress. Thank you again for helping to get Mark’s business up and running. See you at the Moscow Farmer’s Market!